8:16 PM |
Nurture a Healthy Baby Bearded Dragon With These Simple to Follow Tips |

For the first few months after the bearded dragons have born, you need to devote more care such as avoid too frequent handling to reduce the stress, small prey size, and more calcium intake. Even when the bearded dragon baby is at age of 8 weeks, they are considered hatching or very young. They are most likely prone to anxiety, and it would affect its growth and health. If you are chasing one for yourself, make sure that it is at least 8 weeks old, and take good care of the pet. There are numerous points to be considered while adopting baby bearded dragon which can help in making him a happy pet like:
They do not require big enclosure size and ambience space. If the cage is too large, they may find it difficult chasing down and hunting for the prey. If the enclosure is too big, they may feel insecure living in it. Smaller enclosure will make them feel more secure. They do not require big enclosure. If the cage is too large, they may find it difficult chasing down and hunting for the prey and may feel insecure living in it. Smaller enclosure will make them feel more secure. Try to avoid place that is busy and high footage traffic, especially when there are children running around and may get a chance to hit the enclosure. The disturbances may always stress them up.
A baby bearded dragon feeding should be done more often as they need more fats and protein from the food for rapid growth. They should be fed atleast 2 to 3 times a day. The main concern in feeding baby bearded dragon is the food size, especially insects such as crickets. The proper food size should be 1/3 of the hatchling’s head and the length should be smaller than the distance between their eyes. Feeding hatchling with small prey is a must as large items can lead to paralysis and even death. Besides small crickets, small bearded dragons need greens, fruits and vegetables at this time as well. One of the feeding principles for baby bearded dragon is to offer them plenty of water. You may mist their head, cage wall, and decorations with water until they start to lap the water droplets.
When it is the first try to hold them, they may resist, but approach them slowly. Try to pick them up from side instead of top. This will reduce the risk of being scared. Reach out the bottom of the body part, and support their body with another hand, let the body feel that it is standing firmly on your hands.
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